Parker F. Scripture Botanical Gardens and Nature Trail

The Parker F. Scripture Botanical Gardens and Nature Trail were dedicated to honor a local nurseryman and former County Legislator, Parker F. Scripture. The Nature Trail, Gardens and the Extension Offices encompass approximately 15 acres of land owned by Oneida County.
Come and view the Extension Gardens (seasonal), Butterfly House (seasonal), Beehives, and Woodland Nature Trail throughout the year. The gardens are designed and maintained by Master Gardener Volunteers. The gardens feature Perennial plants including an extensive Daylily Garden, All-America Selections Annual Display Garden, Vegetable Garden, Planters, Cottage Garden, Herb Garden, and Water Garden.We are developing a Pet Therapy area as well as a Children's educational area. Public Gardening Classes and youth field trip opportunities are available please contact the Extension office at 736-3394 for more information on classes and fees.The grounds are opened dawn to dusk, free of charge seven days a week.